Cell Tower Lease, 7 Things To Look For

Getting a competent and experienced cell tower lease consultant isn’t as easy as it sounds. But he will surely be a valuable addition to your team.

Here are seven criteria to check when hiring a cell tower lease consultant;

#1. Work Experience

This may sound strange to you, but always prioritize experience over cost. In my opinion, no amount is too much to get a mouthwatering cell tower lease rate on your property.

Preferably, hire a consultant who has helped top cell phone companies handled cell tower lease agreements in the past. Of course, their fee may be on the high side. But it’s a valuable investment that will undoubtedly yield a great return.

The greatest mistake you will make is to hire a neophyte who only knows about cell tower lease in theory and is using you to practice. It could ruin the entire agreement and get you some terrible deals.

#2. Success Track Records

Cell tower lease consultants’ experiences aren’t enough to hire them. Ensure that they have excellent track records of success. Go to popular rating platforms like BBB to see what people are saying about the consultant you want to hire. Trust me, the internet never hides a secret, and customers will always express their pleasure and displeasure about different consultants on rating platforms. See more!

#3. Understand their Proposals and Fees

During the pre-hiring stage, discuss terms and conditions with the consultants, including the consultation fees.

If the consultant offers an extremely high price, check their experience and track record to see if it is worth it. But there’s a standard fee, and when a consultant is offering something too high, you can always check other options available to you.

Similarly, if someone you meet on the internet is offering something too low, it’s a red alert. I doubt if you will ever get a quality job from such a consultant. So, always look before you leap.

#4. Ensure You Are Working Directly with the Owner of the Company

The mistake most people make when hiring a cell tower lease consultant is not dealing directly with the company’s founder. If you allow the consulting company to hand you over to an advisor, you may not get the expected result. However, the founder will be committed to delivering you a great deal.

#5. References from Accredited Institutions

Before hiring any consultant, ensure that they have references from accredited institutions and top-rated cell phone companies; with this, you will work with the most talented and experienced consultants around.

#6. Hire a Consultant Without A Conflict of Interest

Always do your due diligence to ensure that you aren’t hiring a consultant with a conflict of interest. If you hire a consultant who currently consults for a wireless carrier, such a consultant will always be loyal to the carrier. And you may get a poor deal.

#7. Work With Someone Who You Enjoy their Company

Some cell tower lease transactions take months or years to complete, and if you are working with a jerk, you may be in for long boring months. But if you hire someone you are comfortable with, every time you spend together will be worth it.

You can know more at https://www.gtlabar.org/leasing-rates-cell-phone-towers/